Dr. Phil Rodgers is an associate professor of family medicine and internal medicine at the University of Michigan where he practices and teaches both full-spectrum family medicine and subspecialty palliative medicine. He is the founding director of the university’s Palliative Care Program and serves as the director of Adult Palliative Care Clinical Programs. He previously served as the founding associate director of the Palliative Medicine Fellowship Program.
Rodgers has become a leading national expert in payment and care delivery innovation in palliative care and has received numerous invitations to speak, contribute to panels and workgroups, and provide technical expertise to policymakers including the Center of Healthcare Research and Transformation (CHRT), the Michigan Primary Care Transformation Initiative (MiPCT), the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NHRI) and the Pew Charitable Trusts.
He has held numerous leadership positions within the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), including serving as the inaugural lead of the Public Policy Committee’s Emerging Payment and Delivery Models Working Group and founding editor of its Profiles in Innovation series that highlights leading-edge palliative care programs across the United States. Rodgers currently serves as co-chair of AAHPM’s Public Policy Committee and Quality Payment Working Group.
In his current role as chair of AAHPM’s Alternative Payment Model (APM) Task Force, Rodgers is leading a group of national palliative care and hospice innovators to develop a physician-focused payment model for palliative care as well as a strategy to integrate palliative care into APMs across the country.
Rodgers completed his medical degree at the Medical College of Ohio and his residency training at University of Michigan.